Hero Health - EMIS Web Support Guide

How do I create a home visit list in EMIS Web?



A home visit list is an untimed appointment session for scheduling home visits (or similar tasks such as telephone appointments) without assigning them to a specific session holder. This approach helps you better organise and track your day’s visits.

Key steps to create a home visit list:

  • Create a session category: In Appointment Configuration, add a new Session Category (e.g. “Home Visits”) and set it to List.
  • Create a slot type: Add a new Slot Type (Appointments Configuration > Slot types) named “Home Visits” with your chosen colour and the “Visit” status type.
  • Create a list session template: In Week Templates, create a new Session Template set to List (using your newly created session category and slot type).
  • Create a list session: From the Appointment Book, load your template via Create Session > Load from template, and define start/end times as needed.
  • Set up a list filter: In Appointment Configuration, add a List under Session Holder Filters so you and your colleagues can quickly view or manage the home visit list from the Appointment Book.
Well-structured home visit lists help practice teams co-ordinate visits efficiently and reduce confusion around who attends each patient.

Did you know?

Hero Health’s care navigation & triage feature can help you gather home visit requests online. Patients can submit their information via your practice website, and you decide how to allocate the request. This saves time, lets you prioritise patients, and streamlines visit planning.

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Availability & schedules

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What is Hero Health?

Hero is an EMIS and Systm1 integrated messaging, scheduling and triage solution for NHS GPs. You can think of us as an Accurx alternative, but with more sophisticated appointment booking and more configurable care navigation triage.

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