To add a test request of the same specimen type from Workflow Manager in EMIS Web, follow these straightforward steps:
Steps to Add a Test Request of the Same Specimen Type
- Access the Test Requests via the EMIS Web menu by selecting Workflow Manager from the dropdown.
- In the navigation pane on the left, click Awaiting Sample. This will display any test requests awaiting samples on the right-hand pane.
- Select the test request you want to duplicate.
- On the ribbon, click Add Test Requests.
- In the Template Runner window, add the new test requests, ensuring they are of the same specimen type as the original request. An alert will notify you if the specimen types differ.
- Click OK to confirm, and the details will be updated with the new test requests.
Adding a test request of the same specimen type streamlines the process, reducing repetitive input and ensuring accuracy in handling similar sample specimens.
By effectively using this feature, practice administrators and clinicians can save time during peak hours while maintaining efficient workflows, particularly in busy NHS settings.
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