Hero Health - EMIS Web Support Guide

How can I review and remove death notification warnings for a patient in EMIS Web?


In EMIS Web, it is crucial to manage death notification warnings efficiently to maintain accurate patient records and ensure relevant updates are applied timely. A patient warning appears when a death notification task is received but not yet processed. Once the task is completed, the warning is automatically removed. Here's how you can review and remove these warnings:

Accessing Registration Workflow

Start by accessing the Registration Workflow. Click the EMIS Web menu, hover over Workflow, then select Workflow Manager. In the navigation pane, choose Registration to see the death notification tasks.

Managing Death Notification Tasks

Death notification tasks can be completed following these steps:

  • Navigate to Deceased Notifications in the Registration section.
  • Select the notification task you wish to complete.
  • On the ribbon, click Complete Task.
  • On the Request Deduction screen, verify the details. Optionally, cancel any future appointments and diary entries.
  • Confirm by clicking OK. The patient's status updates to Deceased, removing the warning.

Reviewing and Deleting Patient Warnings

If necessary, you can remove the notification warning manually:

  • Locate the patient via Patient Find (F5).
  • Within the patient précis, click Manage under Warnings.
  • Select the death notification warning and click Delete.
  • Confirm the deletion when prompted.
"Efficiently managing notifications in EMIS Web enhances data accuracy and ensures timely updating of patient status, saving time for clinicians and administrators."

Note: Deleting a patient warning without completing the task will result in the task persisting in your organisation inbox until it is applied. This process does not involve patient confidentiality risks, as no specific organisational details about the death status application are displayed.

Remember, automated processes distribute patient death notifications to relevant organisations, ensuring timely completion of records. Managing these alerts minimizes workflow interruptions and supports smooth clinic operations.

Sub category
Patient registration

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What is Hero Health?

Hero is an EMIS and Systm1 integrated messaging, scheduling and triage solution for NHS GPs. You can think of us as an Accurx alternative, but with more sophisticated appointment booking and more configurable care navigation triage.

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