Accessing a Patient’s Record
Make sure GP Connect is enabled at your organisation. You also need to confirm that the patient’s consent preference is appropriately recorded (either consent given or refused). Once the patient is registered at your site (for example, as a temporary patient if required), confirm the record is synchronised with the Spine so it can be accessed externally.
In EMIS Web, select the patient and open their care record. In the left-hand pane of the Care Record Summary screen, click the blue chevron to reveal External Views and choose the patient’s registered GP organisation. You may need to provide a short reason for accessing the record. A read-only GP Connect tab then appears, which displays the patient’s record details such as Problems and Issues, Medications, Allergies and Sensitivities, Observations and more.
Filtering by Date Range
For most tabs within the GP Connect view (like Problems, Clinical Items, or Encounters), you can narrow the information by choosing a specific date range. This can help you to focus on relevant issues and recent entries more quickly. Allergies, Immunisations, and the Summary screen cannot be filtered by date range.
“Using GP Connect to quickly filter a patient’s record by key data fields can save hours of administration time and cut down on repetitive tasks.”